24 Universalsticker schmal einzeln, 24 Universalsticker breit einzeln, 30 Kleidersticker einzeln, 12 Schuhsticker einzeln, 24 Bügeletikette einzeln
24 Universalsticker schmal einzeln
Design selbst gestalten
Design Vorlage
24 Universalsticker breit einzeln
Design selbst gestalten
Design Vorlage
30 Kleidersticker einzeln
Design selbst gestalten
Design Vorlage
12 Schuhsticker einzeln
Design selbst gestalten
Design Vorlage
24 Bügeletikette einzeln
Design selbst gestalten
Design Vorlage
For clothes, shoes and other things
A new phase begins for children if they enter the nursery. And you have a lot to label for the start of the daycare if you want your sunshine to find its way back home.
More than 100 name labels provide order and overview. The personalized dress stickers hold reliably on the white laundry labels or on sewn-in advertising on the inside of the clothes. Wait at least 24 hours after the stickers have been affixed until the first wash cycle.
Content: 114 labels (30 clothing stickers, 24 iron-on labels, 12 shoe sticker and 24 small and big universal stickers
Quality: Waterproof, washing machine and tumble dryer safe, UV-resistant (iron-on washable with 40 degrees Celsius)
Size: different shapes and sizes, see preview